Friday, February 4, 2011

First Post

Hello all. I'm Summer, if you hadn't guessed so already. I'm a very creative person, and I love writing, reading, drawing, playing video games, and watching anime. Yes. I'm an Otaku, or Anime-Lover, if you prefer. No, I am not a 'weeaboo' or whatever they're called, and there will be no yells of 'OMG SO KAWAII, DESUUUUU!' from me. :) I will not pepper random Japanese into my posts, so no worries. And if any of you were wondering about the name of this blog, I named it after the song by Madina Lake, cause I happen to like it, and it was either that or name it after The Bird and The Worm by The Used. Do you want to know why it would have been one or the other? Because, and I'm not going to beat around the bush, I'm being hunted. Stalked. By something some believe was created on the internet, and others believe to have been around for as long as the Earth itself. I'm not going to say the name, but I bet a lot of you already know what I'm talking about. And I'm not the only one threatened, a whole family, one that I've know since I was born, is too. It's all my fault, too. My stupidity, thinking it wasn't real, wasn't going to come after us, with so many minds all thinking about it.

If you're still clueless as to what it is, check out Marble Hornets, or EverymanHYBRID, or other blogs, like Seeking Truth, Scared, H(a)unted, or Just Another Fool. Don't know any of them? Good for you. Better you just leave well enough alone. Cause starting with the next post, I'm going to tell my story, from the beginning. So you'd better get out while you still can, before its too late for you, like it almost is for me, and the family who I endangered. See you guys soon.



  1. A fellow otaku huh? Nice to meet you.

    And I'm sorry that you seem to be stuck in the same mess as the rest of us. At least I've had the good fortune of not seeing Him. But I suppose it's only a matter of time.

    Anyway, you can just know that at the very very least, you have me here to support you.

  2. Thanks! And yes, I am an otaku. Also, a cosplayer. >.> And yeah, it sucks, but at the same time, I sort of feel like I brought this upon myself....

    Best Wishes

  3. I happen to know for a fact that I brought this on myself. I'm just way too inquisitive for my own good I guess.

    Anyway, I'll be following your blog now so I'll be sure to stop by and comment every now and then. Good luck, say safe, and you're welcome to email me if you have any questions or if you just want to talk.

  4. Me too, me too. But then there's the thing I posted about when I was younger that makes me wonder, if he would've come after me anyways...
